
    "From Paralysis to Power: A Stroke Survivor's 800 km Journey to Advocacy"

    "From Paralysis to Power: A Stroke Survivor's 800 km Journey to Advocacy"

    giving back smilesiampaulmcleanrestorationstroke association

    Posted on 5 November, 2024 by Hillsborough Dental

    Paul’s story of horrendous illness and miraculous recovery is the kind of news we need to hear more of.   As a married teacher in 2016 Paul suffered a catastrophic stroke one Saturday morning.   Several of the events that followed were out of the normal, but added together to save his life.   The first ambulance that arrived on the scene was unsuitable for Paul and precious time ticked by before a second ambulance arrived capable of helping him. This vehicle should normally...
    Truths and Myths about Tooth Whitening

    Truths and Myths about Tooth Whitening

    In response to many questions from patients and friends, along with misinformation and illegal activity which I see all too frequently, I’ve written this short blog to give a professional viewpoint on tooth whitening. I have included a total of 15 myths and am interested to see how many you knew to be true and how many you were unaware of.  Laser whitening The concept of 'Laser whitening' has become popular among the public as it sounds like you are getting...
    Why a sweet tooth combined with lockdown are a bad combo.

    Why a sweet tooth combined with lockdown are a bad combo.

    covid-19diethealth advicetooth decay

    Posted on 22 April, 2020 by Hillsborough Dental

    If you are anything like me you will have been opening the cupboards and fridge much more often during this lockdown period. I have a terribly sweet tooth so my choices are invariably poor ones.   Dental decay needs three things to occur – teeth, sugar and bacteria - eliminate any one of these and you solve the problem of decay.   However that is sadly impossible unless you would like to replace your teeth with a set of plastic dentures.  What we can aim to do is clean well with...
    Why gloves alone won't protect you from coronavirus

    Why gloves alone won't protect you from coronavirus


    Posted on 1 April, 2020 by Hillsborough Dental

    One of the fundamentals of controlling spread of diseases such as Covid-19  is hygiene and regular and frequent hand washing. I see a lot of people in shops wearing gloves in the misguided belief they are protected against catching the virus. You can still pick up the coronavirus from a door handle, a light switch or any contaminated surface while wearing gloves, and can then unwittingly transfer it to your face or other surfaces just the same as you would with bare hands. The gloves are...
    Want an affordable, new smile in a day? Find out why everyone's opting for composite artistry

    Want an affordable, new smile in a day? Find out why everyone's opting for composite artistry

    A patient came to us annoyed by a gap in her teeth which she felt spoiled her smile... She was keen to have it corrected, but as she thought adult orthodontics would be the only solution she had resigned herself to the thoughts of wearing braces for around six months, not to mention orthodontic fees of over £2000. You can imagine her delight when in just one appointment she had the smile of her dreams. Oh, and did I mention - there was no need for anaesthetic as we didn’t need to drill...
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